Veneto Region Human Rights Infrastructure

The Veneto Region is distinguished by its pioneering efforts since the adoption of l.r. 18 of 1988 to promote the culture of human rights, peace and international solidarity. The current law on these matters is Regional Law No. 21 of June 21, 2018 (Regional interventions for the promotion and dissemination of human rights as well as cooperation for sustainable development).

The law established the Regional Table on Human Rights and Sustainable Development Cooperation (Art. 5) with advisory duties on regional planning and advisory duties to regional bodies in the planned subjects. The region also promotes and supports the Venice Foundation for Peace Research (Art. 8) and the work of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) of the Council of Europe (Art. 7); it manages a database of bodies operating in Veneto on human rights and sustainable development cooperation.

With the Regional Law No. 37 of December 24, 2013, the Region established the figure of the Regional Ombudsman for Personal Rights, which brings together the attributes of the Ombudsman and the Public Guardian of Minors (both created in 1988 and operational until the implementation of the aforementioned Regional Law 37/2013), as well as the functions of promoting and protecting the rights of persons deprived of their personal freedom.

The regional infrastructure for peace and human rights in the Veneto is completed with the Commission for the realization of equal opportunities between men and women (established by l.r. 62/1987), the Regional Observatory on Immigration, the Regional Coordination Table for the prevention of and the fight against violence against women (established by l.r. 5/2013) and the Peace Archives Human Rights (established by l.r. 18/1988).

Implementing the l.r. Dec. 28, 1998, No. 33, the Region promotes and financially supports the European Master's Program in Human Rights and Democratization (E.MA) based at Venice Lido.Finally, pursuant to Regional Law No. 6 of January 22, 2010, the Region recognizes the social and cultural value of fair trade and is committed to organizations that support activities in this area.
