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Contents tagged with key-word:   Human Rights

Yoomi Renström, Rapporteur of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
[Events and Updates]

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Rapporteur calls for solidarity with local authorities to urgently remedy refugee situation after Moria fires

Against the background of the devastating fires in the “Moria Reception and Identification Centre” on the Greek island of Lesbos, Yoomi Renström, Rapporteur of the Congress of Local ...

Last update 1 Oct 2020
Counter Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia (SEA)
[Events and Updates]

Global Campus of Human Rights: Online Course on Counter Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia (SEA)

The Global Campus of Human Rights is expanding its educational offer with an Online Course on Counter Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia. It is going to examine the programmes, practices ...

Last update 24 Sep 2020
 Regional index on child maltreatment in Italy 2020
[Events and Updates]

Cesvi: Regional index on child maltreatment in Italy 2020

Cesvi, an Italian NGO, has published the third edition of the regional index on child maltreatment in Italy, entitled “Giving back the future (Restituire il Futuro)”. The current ...

Last update 24 Sep 2020
Ban Ki-Moon in the Conference Room of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. In the photo, Ban Ki-Moon talks at the podium to the left of the council table, while his image is projected onto the two large screens behind him.
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Human Rights Council opens forty-fifth regular session

The UN Human Rights Council opened its forty-fifth regular session on 14 September 2020, hearing a global human rights update from Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human ...

Last update 24 Sep 2020
Michelle Bachelet, appointed as seventh United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Michelle Bachelet calls for urgent action to heighten resilience and protect people's rights.

During the 45th regular session of the Human Rights Council, Michelle Bachelet - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - made her global human rights update, highlighting that “human rights ...

Last update 16 Sep 2020
[Events and Updates]

Right to education: depriving autistic pupil of statutory specialised learning support amounted to discrimination based on her disability

In Chamber judgment in the case of G.L v. Italy. (on 10 September 2020), the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 14 (prohibition of ...

Last update 13 Oct 2020
[Events and Updates]

Student Peace Prize 2021 announcement, 15th October 2020

The Student Peace Prize was established in 1999 as an initiative from volunteers from the International Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFiT). It is awarded biennially to a student or student ...

Last update 24 Sep 2020
[Events and Updates]

Global Campus Open Education: join e-learning courses

The Global Campus of Human Rights strongly believes that open education plays a crucial role in developing and promoting human rights. By accessing the incredible knowledge of a network of 100 ...

Last update 24 Sep 2020
[Events and Updates]

Sur International Journal on Human Rights published a new edition on Human Rights Defenders

The 30th issue of Sur - International Journal on Human Rights is aimed at showing the faces and trajectories of human rights defenders and celebrating their achievements without giving up thinking ...

Last update 26 Aug 2020
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights, generic cover
[Events and Updates]

Presentation of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2020, Padova 24th September 2020

On Thursday 24th of September 2020 at 5:30 pm, the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights will be presented in Sala Paladin of Palazzo Moroni, Padova.  At the event will intervene: ...

Last update 8 Sep 2020
[Events and Updates]

Training Programme for human rights defenders. Deadline: 20 August 2020.

The Hertie School’s Executive Education is offering a long-term capacity- and alliance-building programme, entitled Recharging Advocacy for Rights in Europe. The training programme ...

Last update 5 Aug 2020
Amnesty International Italia
[Events and Updates]

Amnesty International Italia: the report on lockdown’s measures in Italy during the phase 1 of the COVID-19 pandemic

During the handover of signatures of the appeal #Nessunoescluso to the president of Council of ministers Giuseppe Conte, Amnesty International Italia published a report entitled “Phase 1: ...

Last update 1 Aug 2020
International Conference “Data-driven human rights research”, University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020
[Institutional Contents]

Concept Note

The 2020 human rights conference organised by theHuman Rights Centre of the University of Padova develops a long-term reflection on the challenges for human rights normative systems stemming from ...

Last update 29 Oct 2020
International Conference “Data-driven human rights research”, University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020
[Institutional Contents]

Data-driven human rights research

University of Padova, 9-10 November 2020 (online Webinar on Zoom) The Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, the UNESCO Chair "Human Rights, Democracy and ...

Last update 22 Jul 2021
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017
[Events and Updates]

PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: the July issue is out

The second issue of 2020 of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre's scientific journal, Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), has just been released (PHRG 4(2), July 2020). The issue ...

Last update 22 Jul 2020