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Contents tagged with key-word:   Prison conditions

[Events and Updates]

Message from the Office of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees and Persons Deprived of their Liberty to the imprisoned population

Appeal of the president Mauro Palma to the prisoners In Rome 21 March 2020, Mr Mauro Palma, the president of the Office of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees and Persons ...

Last update 21 Apr 2020
The shape of a pensive and worried person behind a bar
[Events and Updates]

National Ombudsperson for Detainees: presentation of the collection of recommendations "Norms and normality"

The  National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Persons in Prison or Deprived of Liberty presents "Norms and normality" , a collection of recommendations addressed to the Prison ...

Last update 31 Jan 2018
Political world map: states coloured in dark green have already ratified OPCAT, states in light green have signed, but not yet ratified OPCAT.
[Events and Updates]

National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Persons Detained or Deprived of their Liberty: Hearing at the UN in Geneva

A delegation of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Persons Detained or Deprived of their Liberty, composed of the President Mauro Palma and the Head of the Unit on National and ...

Last update 7 Aug 2017
[Events and Updates]

National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees: Presentation of First Activities Report for First Year of Mandate, Rome, March 21st 2017

The National Ombudsperson for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Deprived of their Liberty will present his first report to the Parliament on the activities developed during the first ...

Last update 5 Mar 2017
[Events and Updates]

Italy: Mauro Palma nominated first national ombudsman for the rights of persons detained or deprived of their liberty

Mauro Palma, former President of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, was nominated first national ombudsman for the rights of persons detained or deprived of their liberty. The ...

Last update 1 Mar 2016
Paperback cover of "La difesa civica della Regione del Veneto: un’istituzione per la tutela del cittadino" (the civic defense in the Region of Veneto: an institution for citizen protection), Office of the Ombudsman of the Region of Veneto

Regional Human Rights Ombudsman

The position of the Regional Human Rights Ombudsman was created by regional law n. 37 of December 24th 2014. The Ombudsman has a central role in the protection and promotion of human rights at ...

Last update 30 Jan 2017
A jail's window
[Institutional Contents]

Extreme sentences: life sentence and torture. A critical analysis of punishments

Ristretti Orizzonti, the University of Padua and the Association Antigone carry out two seminars on life sentence and torture in order to start a debate for a more human and fair criminal justice ...

Last update 8 Apr 2016
Paintings with children
[Events and Updates]

Being parents in jail: between rights of adults and rights of children

The Ombudsman for children of the Region of Veneto, in his dual role of Ombudsman for children and of Ombudsman for people in detention (regional law of Veneto no. 37/2013), in cooperation with the ...

Last update 21 Jul 2014
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: Italy sentenced again for inhuman and degrading treatment in relation to prison conditions

In the judgment delivered on 11th February 2014 in relation to the Contrada case (n. 2)(n. 7509/08), the European Court of Human Rights has found that Italy violated again article 3 of the European ...

Last update 20 Mar 2014
Nimba county prison inmate looks through a window of a cell, Liberia, 2008
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: a survey highlights the problem of prison overcrowding in Italy and in Europe

The Council of Europe has published its 2011 penal statistics survey (SPACE I). The report, written every year by the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law of Lausanne University, draws out the ...

Last update 22 May 2013
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: Italy condemned in the Lombardo and Cirillo cases

On January 29 2013, the Second Section of the European Court of Human Rights issued two judgments against Italy in the cases Lombardo v. Italy (application no. 25704/11) and Cirillo v. Italy ...

Last update 10 Feb 2013
Children running on the playground
[Events and Updates]

Coucil of Europe: Deputy Secretary General Maud De Boer visits the new prison for mothers with children

On Friday 15 June 2012, Maud De Boer, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, visited the women's prison called "Casa di reclusione donna", a custodial institution designed to meet the ...

Last update 4 Jul 2012
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

European Court of Human Rights: disenfranchisement of convicted prisoners provided for under Italian law does not violate the ECHR

With the Grand Chamber judgment of 22 May 2012 in the case Scoppola v. Italy (3), which is final, the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority (16 to 1), that the disenfranchisement of ...

Last update 12 Jul 2012
[Institutional Contents]

International Human Rights Day 2011 - monitoring human rights in prison

In the framework of the celebrations of the International Human Rights Day, on Monday December 12, the Human Rights Centre hosts a conference on the topic of monitoring human rights in prison. The ...

Last update 29 Jun 2012