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A Sudanese student drinks and washes her face at a new water fountain in a primary school for girls

The effects of the production and the use of agrofuels on human rights: the indigenous peoples’ right to natural resources

The indigenous peoples' right to own and possess their territories extends to natural resources. The ILO Convention No. 169 specifies that the term 'land' used in Article 14 of the Convention is ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011
Farmers work the rice fields in Palung, Nepal

Land tenure and agrofuels

Enforced evictions and illegal expropriations deeply influences the life of indigenous peoples upsetting their traditional way of living: the way to organise the collective life, the way to feed, ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011
Arid land

The effects of the production and the use of agrofuels on human rights: the right to water

The entire production cycle of agrofuels, from sowing to processing, requires a great amount of water: both for irrigation of crops and the phases of processing raw materials to obtain oil or gas. ...

Last update 19 Apr 2012
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The right to water

Water is the essential resource for life and every human being has the right to access to water necessary for his/her basic needs. Nevertheless, the international human rights law, surprisingly, is ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011
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The right to food

The right to food is defined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as:  "the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011
Twelve children, who placed the twelve stars on a giant flag spread out on the lawn of the Palace of Europe, 2005

The EU’s role in promoting the production and the use of agrofuels: the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive

Since 2001, the EU has started to take a serious interest in agrofuels and, in the last ten years, it has become one of the major world actors which have significantly contributed to the development ...

Last update 26 Oct 2011