Human Rights Centre: Attività

TEMVI Joint Transnational Meetings

Joint Transnational Meetings

TEMVI Project Video


TEMVI Final Report Ita

Final Reports

The Prisoners and the Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Women, Religion and Human Rights in Iran, 13 May 2016, Human Rights Centre, Padova
human rights

The Prisoners and the Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Women, Religion and Human Rights in Iran, Padova, 13 May 2016

Seminar with Farkhondeh Ashena, Iranian Human Rights Activist
Motto of the University of Padua

Cycle 31 (2015/2016)

Susan George, American and French political and social scientist, activist and writer on global social justice, Third World poverty, underdevelopment and debt. President of the Transnational Institute, Amsterdam; Honorary President of Attac France; author
human rights

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): dangerous to our health?, University of Padova, May 4, 2016

University of Padova, Palazzo Liviano, “Sala delle Edicole”, Piazza Capitaniato, 3 - Wednesday May 4, 2016 | 16:30-18:15
Neal Hall - The poet of human rights
© Neal Hall
human rights

Neal Hall, The poet of human rights, Human Rights Centre, April 20, 2016

Poetry reading and conversation with one of the major poetic voices of America.