Human Rights Centre: Attività

Logo International Peace Bureau
human rights

Peace Paths, Padova, 23-25 October 2015

International Peace Bureau Annual Conference on the 70th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter
Celebration of the "Magna Charta Libertatum" anniversary. In the 800th anniversary of the Magna Charta Libertatum Padua will commemorate simultaneously with the celebration at Runnymede Meadows, United Kingdom. Monday June 15th 2015, Musei Civici, Padova
human rights

Celebration of the "Magna Charta Libertatum" anniversary, Padova, 15 June 2015

In the 800th anniversary of the Magna Charta Libertatum Padua will commemorate simultaneously with the celebration at Runnymede Meadows, United Kingdom.
Used in cell phones and laptop computers, the 3Ts: tin, tantalum, and tungsten are also sold profitably by armed groups in eastern Congo.
© Enough Project - Sasha Lezhnev
human rights

Blood Mobile Phones, Human Rights Centre, 16 April 2015

A Seminar with John Mpaliza and the NGO Incontro fra i popoli on D.R. Congo
Logo UNIPD - Iversity Mooc

MOOC on “Human Rights: Global & Local Protection”

Delivered on the platform
Students attending the First round of the Padua Human Rights Laboratory for the Master degree programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, Human Rights Centre, novembre 2013
human rights

Padua Human Rights Laboratory A.Y. 2014-15, Padua University, December 2014-January 2015

First Seminar Series on Human Right Monitoring and Electoral Observation
Poster against trafficking in human beings
European Union

TEMVI: Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality, Human Rights Centre, 29-30 October 2014

Start Up Conference, Human Rights Centre, 29-30 October 2014