International Conference "The Consequences of War and their Interdependence. Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda", University of Padova, 14-15 November 2022, depliant
International Conference

Programme of the Conference

Summer School on "Innovation and data-driven research in human rights studies: Facts, myths, challenges", 12-16 September 2022

Summer School 2022 "Normativity and reality in human rights", 12-16 September 2022

Innovation and data-driven research in human rights studies: Facts, myths, challenges
International Conference "The Consequences of War and their Interdependence. Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda", University of Padova, 14-15 November 2022, depliant
International Conference

Concept note

Poster of the Seminar of study and reflection: La cura del mondo, oggi e domani
human rights

Caring for the world, today and tomorrow, Human Rights Center, 14 February 2022

Seminar for study and reflection