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D) United Nations Human Rights Declarations and Resolutions

Documentazione (2013)

Issued in:

Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 2-3/2013

Publication Typology

: Documentation


: 171-178


: IT, EN


- Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace (1978) (excerpts) (A/RES/33/73)

- Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace (1984) (A/RES/39/11)

- Declaration on the Right to Development (1986) (excerpts) (A/RES/41/128)

- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) (excerpts) (A/RES/61/295)

- General Assembly Resolution «Promotion of Peace as a Vital Requirement for the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights by All» (2003) (A/RES/58/192)

- Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels (2012) (excerpts) (A/RES/67/1)

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