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Poster della Campagna "No alla discriminazione" del Consiglio d'Europa, 2010
[Events and Updates]

Italian Government approves National Action Plan against Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance

With the National Plan of Action against Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, with a mandate in integration issues, is planning to enforce a ...

Last update 21 Oct 2015
Frame excerpt from the video “Nel segno dei diritti”, created by Class IV D2 of the Institute of Higher Education “L. Da Vinci” of Arzignano (VI), A.s. 2008/2009. Video winner for the 10 year-old Contest, of Regional Law of the Veneto n. 55/1999.
[Events and Updates]

Italy ratifies the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness

On September 29th 2015, with law n. 125/2015, Italy has ratified and implemented the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, approved in New York on August 30th 1961.  The ...

Last update 21 Oct 2015
Picture of volumes of Review Pace diritti umani - Peace human rights, issued by the Human Rights Centre
[Events and Updates]

The Paduan excellence: the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua awarded in Rome

The fifth edition of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights (Marsilio Editori; Peter Lang for the English version) has been awarded with the prize “Scuola Strumento di Pace Italia 2015, un libro ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
National banners of the Member States of the UNO (United Nations Organization) outside the UN Headquarters.
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: the Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted the concluding observations on the fifth report of Italy

On 9 October 2015, at the end of the 56th session held in Geneva from 21st September to 9th October, the UN Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) adopted the concluding ...

Last update 17 Oct 2015
Students attending the First round of the Padua Human Rights Laboratory for the Master degree programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, Human Rights Centre, novembre 2013
[Photo Galleries]

Padua Human Rights Laboratory 2013-14 (Human Rights Centre, november 2013)

First round of the Padua Human Rights Laboratory for the Master Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, with field experts, international organizations’ officers, ...

Last update 12 Oct 2015
Students and National Civil Service volunteers of the University of Padua at Giardini del Frontone in Perugia, at the opening of the March.
[Photo Galleries]

Peace March Perugia-Assisi, 19 October 2014

A group of fifty students and National Civil Service Volunteers of the University of Padua, coordinated by the Human Rights Centre, participated in the Peace March Perugia-Assisi on ...

Last update 12 Oct 2015
Daqui Lema, student of the Master Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, attending the Conference "Challenges and Opportunities on Human Rights-based Intercultural Competences”, University of Padua, 23 March 2015
[Audio Collections]

Conference: Challenges and Opportunities on Human Rights-based Intercultural Competences, University of Padua, 23 March 2015

On Monday 23 March 2015, Mrs Katérina Sténou, Former Director of the UNESCO Programme for a Culture of Peace, Dialogue and Non-Violence, held the conference “Challenges and Opportunities on Human ...

Last update 9 Oct 2015
Giornata internazionale dei diritti umani: "Abbiamo Diritto alla Pace", Padova, 10 dicembre 2014
[Photo Galleries]

International Human Rights Day at the University of Padua, 10 December 2014: We have a Right to Peace

On 10 December 2014, the Human Rights Centre celebrated the Human Rights Day 2014, focusing on the issue “We have a right to peace”. The event took place at 10.30 am, at Aula ...

Last update 9 Oct 2015
Daqui Lema, student of the Master Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, attending the Conference "Challenges and Opportunities on Human Rights-based Intercultural Competences”, University of Padua, 23 March 2015
[Photo Galleries]

Conference “Challenges and Opportunities on Human Rights-based Intercultural Competences”, University of Padua, 23 March 2015

On Monday 23 March 2015, Mrs Katérina Sténou, Former Director of the UNESCO Programme for a Culture of Peace, Dialogue and Non-Violence, held the conference “Challenges and ...

Last update 9 Oct 2015
Logo of the Office of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR)
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture presents confidential preliminary findings to Italian Government

The United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) presented its confidential preliminary observations to the Government of Italy, ending a seven-day visit which aimed at assessing the ...

Last update 8 Oct 2015
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: ECRI meets civil society organizations and academia, Human Rights Centre, University of Padua, 17 September 2015

On the 17th September 2015, during its country visit to Italy, a delegation of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe held a meeting with civil society ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Logo International Peace Bureau
[Events and Updates]

Peace Paths: Annual Conference of the International Peace Bureau for the 70th anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter, University of Padua, 23-24 October 2015

On the 70th anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations, “Peace Paths”, the Annual Conference of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) will be held in Padua ...

Last update 5 Oct 2015
Performance of G.F.Haendel, Aria-Bourrée-Minuetto(Op. 5 No. 5): by Pietro Juvarra and Matteo Anderlini, Violin; Fabio Carollo, Viola; Alessandra Juvarra, Violincello.
[Photo Galleries]

Celebration of the "Magna Charta Libertatum" anniversary. Monday, June 15th, 2015. Musei Civivi, Ramanino Hall, Padova.

On June 15th 1215 the Magna Charta Libertatum was promulgated in England, a forerunner of modern constitutions and charters of fundamental rights. In the 800th anniversary of the Magna Charta ...

Last update 28 Sep 2015
Farmers work the rice fields in Palung, Nepal
[Events and Updates]

Winter School: "Microfinance in Action"

The project "Microfinance in Action", a Winter School that will take place in Nepal from September 26 to 10 October 2015, has been selected and founded by the Veneto Region (Italy) and the Human ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019
The official logo for UN constituted by the polar stereographic projection of the globe surrounded by two laurel branches
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Italy will be reviewed at the 56th session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, 21st September – 9th October

The 56th session of the UN Committee for economic, social and cultural rights will be held in Geneva from 21st September to 9th October. This body is composed by 18 independent experts, in charge of ...

Last update 24 Sep 2015