Effectiveness and justiciability of women's human rights. Operational online training course on men's violence aimed at lawyers from Anti-Violence Centers, University of Padova, October-December 2022

This event is part of the initiatives to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the University of Padova's Human Rights Center, founded by Professor Antonio Papisca in 1982.
As part of the Project "Effectivity and Justiciability of Human Rights" fully funded by the University of Padova and implemented by the Human Rights Center "Antonio Papisca" in partnership with the Centro Veneto Progetti Donna and in collaboration with the Padova Bar Association, a seminar-based training course on the protection of the human rights of women victims of violence starting with court litigation is planned. Many women's realities at the global level claim the actionability of rights as a space/environment within which to fight against patriarchal and institutional authoritarianism, for goals that, thanks also to international arenas now find their way onto the political agenda of states. The project, together with the lawyers of the Anti-Violence Centers, intends to incorporate into living law an operational and interpretive point of view that provides adequate responses to women victims of violence.
The project involves the creation of a qualified and specialized course to be developed online with webinar and e-learning mode on Zoom platform of the University of Padova aimed at the lawyers of the Anti-Violence Centers.
The entire initiative co-organized with the Padova Bar Association is shared and co-designed with the Centro Veneto Progetti Donna (partner of the University's 3rd Mission Project) and will be developed in collaboration with the Anti-Violence Centers of the D.i.Re ("Donne in Rete Contro la Violenza") network, a structure of which Centro Veneto Progetti Donna, which manages 5 CAVs and 8 counters in the provincial territory of PD, is a relevant part. The D.i.Re ( Donne in Rete Contro la Violenza) network is made up of a group of 83 organizations on the Italian territory, which manage more than 100 Anti-Violence Centers and more than 50 Shelter Houses that together listen to about 21 thousand women in difficulty involved in situations of family and non-family violence and mistreatment every year.
Regarding the consistency of the topics covered with the purposes of the regulations for continuing education, the training activity, is aimed at fostering the acquisition of new knowledge and scientific, technical and cultural knowledge useful for the refinement of professional skills in legal subjects from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The theme is that of combating violence against women, starting with a framing of the role of international and European norms on the subject, also in relation to their direct applicability in domestic law.
The course will take place in the period between October and December 2022 - 6 meetings of 2 hours each - 4-6 p.m.
Event accredited with the recognition of 12 CFPs in human rights for participation in the entire course (at least 80% of the lectures)
Course Referring Lecturer: Prof. Paola Degani, University of Padova
Moderator of the meetings:
- Prof. Paola Degani, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies and University Center for Human Rights "Antonio Papisca," University of Padova,
- Dr. Mariangela Zanni, President of Centro Veneto Progetti Donna,
- Lawyer Aurora d'Agostino, Forum of Padua, consultant in criminal matters of Centro Veneto Progetti Donna