The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the right to good administration & Judging the performance of national human rights structures and deciding on the means made available to them: How preserve the respect of their independence?, St. Petersburg, 2-3 July 2008
Event date: 2-3 July 2008
Venue: St. Petersburg, Russia Federation

Round Table of Russian Ombudsmen
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Arrival of the participants at the Conference Center in Pushkin and dinner starting 19.00
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
09.00-10.00 Breakfast
10.00-13.00 Cultural programme
13.00-14.00 Lunch (Pushkin Conference Center)
14.00 Registration of participants
14.30-15.00 Opening of the Round Table
Thomas HAMMARBERG, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Alexander SUNGUROV, President of the Saint Petersburg Centre for Humanities and Political Studies “Strategy”
Vladimir LUKIN, Ombudsman of the Russian Federation
15.00-16.40 The role of Ombudsmen in protecting Human Rights against the arbitrariness of the executive branch
Introductory statement by Thomas HAMMARBERG
Tatiana MARGOLINA, Со-chair of Russian Regional Ombudsmen Association, Ombudsman of the Perm Oblast
Yury YASTREBTSEV, Ombudsman of the Mordovia Republic
16.40-17.00 Coffee break
Discussion continued (Moderator – Tatiana MARGOLINA)
18.00 Closing of the session
19.00 Dinner at the Restaurant Admiralty in the Ekatarina Park
Thursday, 3 July 2008
09.00-10.45 The role of Ombudsmen in monitoring the conformity of legislation with the human rights
Introductory statement by Gennady BURBULIS, Head of the Law Monitoring Center of the Council of Federation of Russia
Rashid VAGIZOV, Ombudsman of the Republic of Tatarstan
10.45-11.15 Coffee break
11.15 -13.00 Discussion continued (Moderator – Yury ZELNIKOV, Ombudsman of the Kaluga Oblast)
13.00-14.30 Lunch break (Pushkin Conference Center)
14.30-16.00 Evaluation of Ombudsman’s work: development of the effectiveness criteria
Introductory statement by Alexander SUNGUROV
Galina BARDIER, expert of the Saint Petersburg Centre for Humanities and Political Studies “Strategy”
Irina SKUPOVA, Ombudsman of the Samara Oblast
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.30 Discussion continued (Moderator – Alexander SUNGUROV)
17.30-17.45 Conclusions of the Round Table
by Markus JAEGER, Deputy to the Director, Head of the National Human Rights Structures Unit, Office of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
and Alexander SUNGUROV
17.45-18.00 Closing of the Round Table
20.00 Dinner at Restourant “Russky Chay”, Pushkin City
Friday, 4 July 2008
Departure from Pushkin