Volume III, 2019

Edited by Pietro de Perini and Paolo De Stefani
This book collects five state-of-the-art analyses prepared by doctoral students enrolled in the international joint doctoral programme in ‘Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance’. These contributions help updating and systematising a set of ongoing scholarly debates on human rights-related matters, identifying existing weaknesses or under-researched aspects as well as new pathways for research. Overall, the book contributes to consolidate a multi-disciplinary approach to human rights research and dissemination. The subjects addressed show how relevant a human rights perspective may be in addressing some crucial contemporary issues and ‘wicked problems’ – from irregular migrations to environmental mismanagement, from post-conflict constitutional rebuilding to women’s agency in promoting development and peace.
Pietro de Perini and Paolo De Stefani
Irregular Migrants and their Access to Health Care – A Comparative Study between the United States and Italy
Jessica Merone
Constitutionalization of International Electoral Standards: Experiences of Central Asia and Western Balkans
Svetlana Chetaikina
Women’s Leadership and Participation in Peace and Security Processes: which Role for the Armed Forces?
Sofia Sutera
Microfinance and Women Empowerment in China: A Literature Review
Fenya Chen
Environmental Governance and the Right to Environment: Introductory Remarks on the International and Chinese Legal Frames
Huihui Wang