
Motto of the University of Padua

Cycle 38 (2022/2023)

Even before we are born, we are surrounded by water. During that time our bodies are mainly composed of water and our planet earth is primarily made of water.
As an artist there is only one conclusion: „We all swim in the same waters“. Despite the fact t
© Alice

Scientific Committee

Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017

Publication opportunities

Even before we are born, we are surrounded by water. During that time our bodies are mainly composed of water and our planet earth is primarily made of water.
As an artist there is only one conclusion: „We all swim in the same waters“. Despite the fact t
© Alice

Call for papers

Even before we are born, we are surrounded by water. During that time our bodies are mainly composed of water and our planet earth is primarily made of water.
As an artist there is only one conclusion: „We all swim in the same waters“. Despite the fact t
© Alice

Concept note


Keynote speakers and chairs


Call for abstracts


Programme of the Workshop

The challenge of human rights in Palestine, University of Padova, 17 May 2023. 
An Israeli control tower along the wall dividing Israel and the West Bank. On the tower is a mural of a little girl with a key around her neck looking up.
Occupied Palestinian Territories

The challenge of human rights in Palestine, University of Padova, 17 May 2023

University of Padova, Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico, Wednesday 17 May 2023, 4-6.30 p.m.
Verità per Giulio Regeni. Paola e Claudio Regeni e Alessandra Ballerini legale della famiglia incontrano studentesse e studenti dell'Università di Padova, Venerdì 3 marzo 2023, ore 17.00
© disegno di Mauro Biani

Truth for Giulio Regeni, University of Padova, 3 March 2023

Friday 3 March 2023, 5 p.m., Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico, University of Padova
Book cover What’s new in human rights doctoral research Vol.V

Volume V, 2023

What's new in Human Rights Doctoral Research - A Collection of critical literature reviews