Most women in Africa are subjected to various forms of gender-based discrimination, and remain marginalised in many spheres, including the enjoyment of economic rights. In spite of their active roles in the economic sector, they own or control less of the land, capital or other asset and earn the lowest of the income. Discriminatory laws, cultural and/or religious norms, and traditions that perpetuate their exclusion from access, and control over resources continue to adversely a ect their economic status within the family and the society. Across the Continent, constitutions and laws o en enshrine the principle of equality and non-discrimination, and further guarantee a range of economic, social and cultural rights for women. However, the gendered dimensions of economic inequality remain vigorous. Weak laws as well as lack of enforcement reinforce discrimination against women, and perpetuate their inequality in the economic sphere. e paper primarily focuses on the larger problem of property rights regimes in the family context that impede women’s access to and control over assets in Africa. e discussions are framed from international human rights law perspective, giving a reasonable a ention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It nds gaps in constitutional protections as well as family and inheritance laws along with discriminatory customary rules and practices thet prevail over the dictates of formal laws, perpetuating the marginalisation of women from economic resources.