2023 Global Report on Food Crises: latest figures on world hunger

The Food Security Information Network released the seventh edition of the annual Global Report on Food Crises, with the main affirmation that achieving the Sustainable Development Goal n°2 (zero hunger) is getting more challenging as the time goes by. Statistically, more than 250 million people are facing hunger and/or food insecurity all over the world, especially in Africa and the Middle East (Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia are leading the charters, followed by Afghanistan, Nigeria and Yemen).
The main drivers of the situation are of distinct natures: conflicts and insecurity that lead to massive displacements, economic shocks that provoke the rise of food prices, and weather extremes that promote climate crises worldwide.
In this context, the UN Famine Prevention and Response Coordinator, Reena Ghelani has moderated a virtual event that gathered humanitarian and development actors to discuss the ways forwards to overcome the crisis. By sharing evidence and findings, leaders had the opportunity to debate on how to address the situation and re-establish the political goal of zero hunger.
Click here to see the recordings of the video.