20th anniversary of No Peace Without Justice: Challenges and Opportunities of the International Criminal Court, Rome, 13 November 2014

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of No Peace Without Justice, an international Organization founded in 1994 with the mandate of campaigning for the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Italian Senate will host in Rome a conference titled 20th anniversary of No Peace Without Justice: Challenges and Opportunities of the International Criminal Court.
The conference, to be held on 13 November 2014, aims to celebrate the Organization’s long-standing commitment to end impunity and intends to examine both the interplay between two fundamental elements underpinning the Rome ICC Statute, namely cooperation and complementarity, and the increasing complexities and challenges facing the ICC.
The topics of the conference will be discussed by experts and practitioners, including, inter alia, Pietro Grasso, the President of the Italian Senate, who will open the conference; James Kirkpatrick Stewart, Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC; Benedetto Della Vedova, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Italy; Emma Bonino, former Italian Foreign Minister and founder of No Peace Without Justice; Franco Frattini, former Italian Foreign Minister; Mr Bert Theuermann, Chair of the Working Party on Human Rights (COHOM) in the Council of the European Union; Herman von Hebel, ICC Registrar; Mauro Politi, former ICC Judge, current Chair of the COJUR-ICC; Athaliah Lesiba Molokomme, Attorney-General of Botswana; Binta Mansaray, Registrar, Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone; Anthony Dworkin, Senior Fellow, European Council for Foreign Relations.