human rights

24 October: United Nations Day

Flyer for the 76th anniversary of UN day

The United Nations Day will be celebrated on the 24th of October, an important occasion to honour its foundation in 1945. On this day, the international community will remember and reaffirm the core principles that 76 years ago composed the substructure and values for its creation.

The tradition is to have a concert in the General Assembly Hall of the Organisation in New York. However, the concert’s agenda has been changed due to Covid-19 restrictions, so the event will be divided into a small in-presence live session and a pre-recorded hearing. The concert can also be heard on the United Nations Youtube channel.

Today more than ever, we need to strengthen international cooperation in the interest of both nations and people for a more peaceful and prosperous future for all, to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic's negative consequences. As mentioned in a message reaffirmed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres:

“The values that have powered the UN Charter for the last 76 years — peace, development, human rights, and opportunity for all — have no expiry date.
As we mark UN Day, let’s unite behind these ideals, and live up to the full promise, potential, and hope of the United Nations.”



United Nations human rights international days