Complete list of events and updates


A group of women in Um Baru, North Darfur.

International Criminal Court: launched investigation into surging violence in Darfur

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, announced an ongoing investigation into fresh allegations of war crimes...

Last update 8/8/2023
Activists attend a march against gender violence in Ecuador.

OHCHR: High Commissioner Türk calls for concrete and transformative action to end gender-based violence

During the UN Human Rights Council's annual meeting in Geneva, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, highlighted...

Last update 4/8/2023

FRA: end discrimination and ethnic profiling

Racism and discrimination during police checks are still common in European countries. This is the conclusion of the EU Agency...

Last update 2/8/2023

OHCHR: France must address racism and discrimination in law enforcement

After the death of the Algerian-Moroccan teenager Nahel M. at the end of June, thousands of people took the streets...

Last update 16/7/2023

UNDP: new report on the effects of the war in Ukraine on the people

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Human Impact Assessment (HIA) have launched a report about the effects of the...

Last update 14/7/2023

United Nations: Concerned about Ongoing Israeli Military Operation in Jenin

The ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Jenin have raised significant concerns within the international community. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has...

Last update 12/7/2023
Children in Israeli prisons – Children deprived of their childhood, 10 July 2023, 18:30-20:30, Geneva

Children in Israeli prisons – Children deprived of their childhood, 10 July 2023, 18:30-20:30, Geneva

This event, in parallel to the 53rd Session of the UN Human Rights Council, will take place on the 10th of...

Last update 10/7/2023
Cover Peace Human Rights Governance Journal PHRG - 2017

PHRG - Peace Human Rights Governance: the June 2023 issue is out

The University of Padua's 'Antonio Papisca' Centre for Human Rights has published the first issue of the seventh volume of...

Last update 4/7/2023
A woman in a hijab walks through the streets of Tehran, the Iranian capital.

United Nations: latest report on Iran shows that the human rights situation has markedly deteriorated

The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nada Al-Nashif has presented the latest report about Iran during the 53rd...

Last update 1/7/2023

2023 Global Report on Food Crises: latest figures on world hunger

The Food Security Information Network released the seventh edition of the annual Global Report on Food Crises, with the main...

Last update 26/6/2023
FRA logo

FRA: published report on migration situation in the EU

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights has published a report regarding concerns and improvements of migrants rights, asylum seekers...

Last update 25/6/2023

UNDP report: Gender equality - no improvements over the last decade

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released a study about the progress of gender equality during the past 10 years,...

Last update 23/6/2023
Diritti negati e detenzione: la tragica realtà dei migranti arrivati in Italia nella relazione del Garante al Parlamento

United Nations: horror for the migrant shipwreck off Greek coast

Dozen more deaths appeared in the Mediterranean after an overloaded boat capsized off the coast of Greece. Last reports contained...

Last update 21/6/2023
Nazioni Unite: Giornata mondiale del rifugiato, 20 giugno 2019

20th of June: celebrating the World Refugee Day

According to the UN, forced displacement is a daily issue: every 20 minutes a person leaves everything behind to escape...

Last update 19/6/2023
Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) logo

GHR Expert Seminar ‘Strengthening the UN Special procedures’ , 21 June 2023

To mark its 20th Anniversary, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) convenes its (41st) Expert Seminar on the theme ‘The strengthening...

Last update 17/6/2023