Complete list of events and updates


Russian occupiers destroy hospitals in Ukrainian cities

WHO is gathering evidence for a possible war crimes investigation into attacks by Russia in Ukraine

“Intentional attacks on healthcare facilities are a violation of international humanitarian law and represent war crimes in any situation,” declared...

Last update 17/5/2022
Poster Human Rights Cafè - Special Session: Humanitas Podcast Season 2 Launch Event, May 19th

Human Rights Cafè - Special Session: Humanitas Podcast Season 2 Launch Event, Padova, May 19th

The Student Engagement Team (SET) Padova kicks off season two of the Humanitas Podcast on Thursday 19 at 17.30, in presence...

Last update 17/5/2022
Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs)

European Commission’s Anti-SLAPP initiative

The European Commission is taking action to improve the protection of journalists and human rights defenders from abusive court proceedings....

Last update 14/5/2022

European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights 2021 Annual Report

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) has published its annual report “Enforcing human rights through legal means...

Last update 13/5/2022
Concluding lecture of the Children's Rights course, Friday May 13th

Concluding lecture of the Children's Rights course, Friday May 13th

On the occasion of the closing of the Children's Rights course, the "Children's rights" lesson will be held on Friday...

Last update 12/5/2022
HIKMA: Summit of International Relations 2022 “Future: instruction for use”

HIKMA Student Association: Summit of International Relations 2022 “Future: instruction for use”

HIKMA Student Association from the University of Bologna organises the HIKMA Summit of International Relations 2022 “Future: instruction for use”. The event...

Last update 12/5/2022

UN Women and CARE International: Rapid Gender Analysis of Ukraine

The newly published Rapid Gender Analysis of Ukraine, carried out by UN Women and CARE International, focuses on the gender...

Last update 11/5/2022
2022 Global Report on Food Crises

2022 Global Report on Food Crises

Global Network Against Food Crises, an international alliance, working to address the root causes of extreme hunger, published its 2022...

Last update 11/5/2022
GCHR: MOOC on Business and Human Rights

Global Campus of Human Rights: MOOC on Business and Human Rights

The Global Campus of Human Rights organises the 2022 edition of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Business and Human rights that...

Last update 11/5/2022
A group of women fleeing Ukraine arrive in Moldova

Ukraine war: UN signs framework for cooperation to assist survivors of sexual violence

Women’s rights do not end when wars begin, a senior UN official said in Ukraine on Tuesday, outlining measures toward...

Last update 11/5/2022
The image shows 5 young people talking and discussing

FRA: Fundamental Rights Dialogue in Paris, 7 May 2022

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is organising the fourth Fundamental Rights Dialogue, which will take place on 7...

Last update 5/5/2022

Human rights cities in the European Union - practical guide for local authorities

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has issued a guide “Human rights cities in the European Union” to...

Last update 4/5/2022
Families arrive in Berdyszcze, Poland, after crossing the border from Ukraine.

CoE: How are children protected from sexual exploitation and abuse during the refugee crisis?

The Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Committee evaluated legislation, services and other measures implemented to protect the children affected by the...

Last update 4/5/2022

Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict - Annual 2022 Report

A new report “Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict” has been issued by 15 media freedom partner...

Last update 4/5/2022

3 May: World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day was established by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General...

Last update 3/5/2022