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Karlo GodoladzeKarlo Godoladze graduated in Law at the Ilia State University, Tbilisi (Georgia), with a major in constitutional law. He wrote... Last update 1/12/2016 |
European Committee of Social Rights: The decision on the merits of the complaint Associazione Nazionale Giudici di Pace v. Italy,...The decision of the European Committee of Social Rights on the merits of the complaint Associazione Nazionale Giudici di Pace... Last update 28/11/2016 |
European Social Charter: a compliant against Italy for inequal economic treatment between women and menUniversity Women of Europe (UWE), an association engaged in the European context for women's rights, has filled collective complaints against 15... Last update 16/11/2016 |
The Third Committee of the General Assembly adopts the Declaration on the Right to PeaceOn 22 October 2016, Paz sin Fronteras (PSF) began the campaign called #RightToPeaceNow by which well-known personalities urged Member States of... Last update 22/11/2016 |
European Court of Human Rights: Italy condemned in a case of migrant’s detention and access to justiceThe European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) published on 6 October 2016 a sentence condemning Italy for the violation of... Last update 8/11/2016 |
EIUC: Training on "Human Rights Protection at the European Court of Human Rights"The European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) offers a brief training seminar on “Human rights protection at... Last update 25/10/2016 |
The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities published the concluding observations on ItalyThe Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has published the concluding observations on Italy's initial report regarding the... Last update 3/11/2016 |
The human rights students of the University of Padova in Nepal for the Winter School "Microfinance in Action"The Winter School “Microfinance in Action”, promoted by the the Human Rights Centre and the Department of Political Science, Law... Last update 28/10/2016 |
United Nations: remarks by the Deputy secretary-general on the anniversary of the two Covenants, New York, 19 November 2016The Deputy Secretary-general of the United Nations made important remarks about the role of the Covenant on civil and political... Last update 25/10/2016 |
The global civil society reclaim the recognition of the right to peace at UN General AssemblyIn view of the submission of the Declaration on the Right to Peace for adoption at the UN General Assembly... Last update 20/10/2016 |
A joint letter in support of the Declaration on the Right to PeaceThe Pope John XXIII Community, in collaboration with other non governmental organizations, has addressed a joint letter to the diplomatic... Last update 21/10/2016 |
Paz sin Fronteras: Civil society organizations and universities recognize the leading role on the right to peace of PSFThe Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (APG23), the Center for Global NonKilling, the International, Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), the... Last update 28/10/2016 |
When Science Trumps Law: seminar with prof. Alan McHughen. Padova, Human Rights Centre, Friday 14 OctoberIn the framework of the academic activities for the a.y 2016/2017 connected to the Joint Ph.D. Degree Programme “Human Rights, Society... Last update 10/10/2016 |
OSCE: Italy will chair the Organisation in 2018Following a consensus decision of the 57 OSCE member States, Italy will chair the organisation in 2018. The decision was... Last update 22/8/2016 |
AHRI: Utrecht Declaration on Academic FreedomIn the framework of its annual human rights conference, held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on 1-3 September 2016, the Association... Last update 5/9/2016 |