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Building peace and reconciliation through the creation of a Ministry of Peace

Building peace and reconciliation through the creation of a Ministry of Peace, Geneva, 20 September 2019

The Pope John XXIII Community Association (APG23) and the Republic of San Marino organize, during the 42nd ordinary session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (9-27 September 2019), the parallel event "Building peace and reconciliation through the creation of a Ministry of Peace", that will be held on September 20, on the eve of the International Day of Peace, at the United Nations Building in Geneva.

The event, which will take place in room XXV from 11.30 to 13.00, will be an opportunity to discuss the need to promote peace policies, acting on different levels and investing in long-term strategies aimed at the concrete realization and affirmation of a lasting peace and positive, closely linked to a culture of disarmament, a commitment to sustainable development and respect for human rights. In particular, the need to build infrastructures for peace and, above all, a ministry of peace, will be emphasized, following the proposal launched last year. The existing good practices and examples of concrete actions implemented in this field will also be presented.

Different thematic areas will be analysed in depth by the speakers:

E. Guerrino Zanotti, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs and for Peace, Republic of San Marino
Giovanni Paolo Ramonda, President APG23
E. Msgr Ivan Jurkovic, Apostolic Nuncio to the Permanent Observatory of the Holy See at the UN
Antonino Drago, Professor of the University of Napoli “Federico II” and Adjunct Professor in Science for Peace at the University of Pisa and Firenze
Zaira Zafarana, Representative of International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)
The event will be moderated by H.E. Marcello Beccari, Ambassador for the Permanent Mission of San Marino at the UN and the other international organizations in Geneva, and by Dr. Maria Mercedes Rossi, principal representative of the APG23 at the UN. The event is co-sponsored by the State of Costa Rica, the Holy See, the State of Italy, the UN University of Peace in Costa Rica, the University of Padova - Human Rights Center “Antonio Papisca”, the “UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padova”, Vittorio Chizzolini Association, Caritas International and IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation).