
A prestigious award assigned to Professor Vincenzo Pace, member of the current Board of Directors of the Human Rights Centre

Vincenzo Pace, Docente di Religioni e società nella Laurea magistrale in Istituzioni e politiche dei diritti umani e della pace, Università di Padova
© Centro diritti umani - Università di Padova

The German University of Vechta has assigned the “Hoffmann Academic Award for intercultural competence” to Professor Vincenzo Pace.

The award, which has come to its 4th edition, will be delivered on 22 January 2015 in a solemn ceremony at that University.

The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua whishes to express its heartfelt congratulations to Professor Pace and to thank him for his generous and enlightened collaboration, which he continues to ensure as a member of the current Board of Directors of the Human Rights Centre.



intercultural dialogue university