Amnesty International and Voci della Liberta reward the best song in Italian dedicated to human rights

"Atto di forza", by Francesco and Max Gazzè is the winning song of the twelfth edition of the Italian Amnesty International Award, established in 2003 by Amnesty International Italy and by the Voci per la Libertà cultural association to reward the best song on human rights published in the previous year.
The song was chosen by a jury of experts of which Prof. Paolo De Stefani of the Human Rights Centre was part. The lyrics of the song describes poetically what is daily reported in the newspaper concerning violence against women, bringing all citizens closer to the age-old question of women's rights violations, more specifically, gender-based violence perpetrated by men. The music therefore becomes a raising awareness tool and privileged ally in the spread of Amnesty International Campaigns in defense of human rights.
The award ceremony will take place on the stage of Rosolina (Rovigo) on Sunday 20 July 2014, during the final night of the seventeenth edition of Voci della Libertà - Una canzone per Amnesty.
"Voci della Libertà - Una canzone per Amnesty" is an event promoted by the Italian Section of Amnesty International and by the Voci per la Libertà Cultural Association. It was founded with the intent to spread the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through the music.