Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII: Call for Civil Peace Corps Published

The "Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII" through the Department of Youth Policies and Universal Civic Service's call for Civil Peace Corps, seeks five volunteers for the project “Civil Peace Corps 2025 - Protection of Civilians in Conflict” to ensure protection and monitoring of human rights. Three volunteers will work in Athens (Greece) on the topic of migration and two in Valdivia (Chile) with the Mapuche people.
Young people interested in participating must be between 18 and 28 years old, Italian, EU or non-EU citizens who are legal residents. Those who have already done National or Universal Civil Service may also apply.
Applications must be received by December 23, 2024 through the DOLCCP platform. Positions offered will be committed for 12 months, with 40 hours per week of service.
For more information, you can view the announcement or contact