Conference “Green Economy: policies, actors and opportunities for a sustainable future”, Padua, 5 May 2012

The Italian Coordination of Local Agenda 21 and the Lanza Foundation of Padua promote, within the initiatives of the Green Night of North East, a conference titled "Green Economy: policies, actors and opportunities for a sustainable future", which will take place in Padua on Saturday, 5 May 2012.
The conference aims to present the opportunities of the green economy, a new way of governing and organizing production and consumption of goods and services. Green economy involves not only the environment-related sectors, but affects the entire business world, representing an extraordinary leverage for the regeneration of productive sectors. Innovation, efficiency, cooperation, sustainability, life cycle are the keywords of a new development model that considers the use of environmental resources as an added value of the manufacturing process and as an indicator to measure the quality level and the economic and social wellbeing of a certain territory and community.
At the conference, after greetings of the authorities, illustrious guests will intervene, including the Minister of the Environment, Corrado Clini.
The conference will be held on Saturday, 5 May, at Palazzo della Ragione, from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. The full conference program, in italian is available at the link below.