Ensure equal treatment for Roma fleeing Ukraine

In relation to the International Roma Day (8th of April), many officials point out the situation of the Roma minority in the context of current Russia’s aggression on Ukraine and call for equal treatment and respect for the Roma Minority.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) advocates for ensuring equal treatment for Roma fleeing Ukraine. FRA did not observe any discriminatory or racist acts during its field visits, but it is concerned about allegations of difficulties and possible discrimination at the EU borders reported by media and civil society (e.g. people refusing to sleep in the same tents with Roma families). Given the long documented widespread discrimination towards Roma in the EU countries, FRA calls on the states to “be especially mindful of the challenges facing many Roma fleeing Ukraine” and to respect the minorities' rights. It recommends authorities to take appropriate action and to investigate any such complaints in line with EU law.
The Council of Europe (CoE) Secretary General, Marija Pejčinović Burić, underlined that due to the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, millions of Ukrainian have become refugees, and some of them, due to language barriers and a lack of official papers, encounter even bigger obstacles to overcome. Roma people are often amongst them and they need European countries’ support. The Secretary General emphasised that not only refugees, but also the Roma who remain in Ukraine need support. She recalled the CoE Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025), which is a clear commitment in the area of fighting anti-gypyism. “Roma history, culture and identity are woven into the fabric of European society. We are all stronger for that. Together, let us go further in creating a continent that is safe, vibrant and inclusive: where the rights of every person are ensured for the benefit of all”, she said.
The UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Fernand de Varennes, called on all States and institutions to fully include Roma people in their efforts to protect civilians during conflicts. The UN expert pointed out that “Roma who are fleeing a conflict and many of whom may be undocumented, should be granted equal protection and safety when seeking refuge inside and outside of the country, regardless of their legal status”. He emphasised that in the times of conflict “minorities such as Roma face specific vulnerabilities and the price for neglecting such vulnerabilities is too high” and that “protection and assistance measures should not be done in segregated arrangements, nor can they be discriminatory or stigmatizing in any way”.