European Gender Equality Index 2021

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) published this European Gender Index 2021, which is a tool that measures how European states integrate gender equality into their policies, revealing both progress and setbacks. It is recognised as a reliable measurement tool for gender equality in the European Union.
EIGE scored the EU with 68 points out of 100 in this year’s Gender Equality Index. It represents a microscopic increase of just 0.6 points since last year’s edition. This year’s focus was the link between health and gender equality and EIGE highlighted how women and men covered a different social position in Covid time. Women have been overrepresented in the healthcare sector thus, they faced more risk to be in contact with the virus. However, men had a higher risk of hospitalisation because of their behaviours and pre-existing health conditions and problems.
With 63.8 out of 100 points, Italy ranks 14th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is below the average; however, it has increased by 10.5 points since 2010. Italy obtained 3.4 points under the power indicator and lost 2.9 points because of gender segregation in the education field.
To have a more detailed scenario on the 27 European countries ranking and to read the full report, you can visit the website of EIGE.