Exhibition of photographs "Sons of a Lesser God. Stories of Palestinian girls and boys arrested by the Israeli army", Padova, 3-18 July 2021

From 3rd to 18th of July 2021, it will be open in the Cortile Pensile of Palazzo Moroni of Padova the Photo exhibition "Sons of a Lesser God. Stories of Palestinian girls and boys arrested by the Israeli army", by Roberto Brancolini.
The opening is on Saturday, 3 July 2021 at 6 pm and the exhibition is open to the public every day from 10 am to 7 pm.
Roberto Brancolini's photographs tell us the experience of Palestinian adolescents arrested by the Israeli army in the Occupied Territories, the areas of Jerusalem, Ramallah, Nablus and Hebron.
Every year, Israel prosecutes 500 to 700 minors in its military courts, who are arrested, interrogated and detained by the Israeli army. It is estimated that Israeli authorities have arrested, tried and detained approximately 13,000 Palestinian minors since 2000.
Under international law, the detention of minors should be a measure of last resort and last for the shortest possible time. Civil law protects minors arrested in Israel, however, in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank, it applies the law of war and military courts operate. In addition, according to the complaints of many observers, Palestinian boys and girls are frequently subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention. The most common charge brought against them is stone-throwing. The penalty for this offence can be up to 20 years in prison.
Roberto Brancolini, a freelance photographer, specialises in news and reportage. He has followed the development of anti-globalisation movements in Italy, the events of the indigenous people of Chiapas in Mexico after the Zapatista revolt and the Gezi Park protests in Turkey. More recently, he carried out photographic research on women migrating from Eastern Europe, known as caregivers. Since the construction of the separation wall in the West Bank, he has been recording the deterioration of the living conditions of Palestinian civilians. He also collaborates with Tavola della Pace and with national agencies, magazines and newspapers.
The event is organised by L’Osteria volante, Group InScialla, Labiba Network, AssoPace Padova, in collaboration with Padova municipality, Municipal Department of International Cooperation, Archive Peace and Human Rights and the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, University of Padova.