FRA published the Italian asylum and migration handbook

At the event held by the Italian Academy of Law and Migration, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) presented the Italian version of the handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration.
The three main topics covered in the current publication are: access to the territory, forced returns, and EU IT systems. The handbook is designed for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, border guards, immigration officials and others working with national authorities, as well as national human rights institutions, non-governmental organisations and other bodies that may be confronted with legal questions in the areas covered.
After the first edition was published in 2013, followed by the second edition in 2014, there have been significant developments in European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration. There have also been minor legislative changes in the Schengen acquis on borders, irregular migration and visas. The 2020 edition provides an updated overview of the European legal standards relevant to asylum, borders and immigration, explaining both applicable Council of Europe and EU measures.
The Italian version of the handbook is consultable at the following link.