GRETA: new guidance on addressing the risks of human trafficking

Council of Europe anti-trafficking body GRETA has issued a Guidance Note on addressing the risks of trafficking in human beings related to the war in Ukraine and the ensuing humanitarian crisis. It aims to advise European countries on how to protect people fleeing Ukraine from human trafficking and how to detect potential victims and traffickers.
The guidance gives various recommendations on improving the process of receiving people fleeing Ukraine to protect them from human trafficking. It mainly covers issues related to the process of registering people and making sure that they have proper documentation, which will allow them to exercise their rights in the host country. It underlines the importance of providing specially trained staff, such as law enforcement officials and registered volunteers, at border crossings and stations. Another important step is establishing safe migration routes, allowing legal and free-of-charge transit. In order to reduce the risk coming from providing transport and accommodation by individuals and unauthorised initiatives, the guidance calls for organising official registration of all the subjects offering the assistance. The publication also underlines the significance of providing easy and free access to health services and psychological help, as well as the need for a gender-sensitive approach. Finally, according to the guidance, clear information about the risks of being trafficked, as well as the labour rights and employment procedures in the host country, should be easily accessible and provided in different languages.
GRETA emphasises that given guidance is not applicable only in the context of the war in Ukraine but should be considered according to any armed conflict concerning all people of international protection, regardless of their nationality.
The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) was set up as the monitoring system to supervise the implementation of the obligations contained in the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.