Isodarco: 27th Winter Course on "Nuclear governance: prospects for a strengthened nonproliferation regime”, Andalo, 8-15 January 2014

The International School IDODARCO promotes, from 8 to 15 January 2014 in Andalo (Trento), the 27th Winter Course on the topic “Nuclear governance: prospects for a strengthened nonproliferation regime”. The deadline for the presentation of applications has been set on 18 November 2013.
The Course aims at deepening the norms and practices in relation to nuclear non-proliferation in a global context in which many States have to face real or alleged security threats. Topics include: a) technical aspects of protecting the nuclear fuel cycle; b) assessing new efforts to secure, cut off, and reduce fissile material stockpiles; c) issues posed by recent nuclear proliferation; d) the roles of international law and domestic measures in supporting a strengthened nonproliferation regime.
More information concerning the teaching staff, the organisation and the fees of the Winter Course can be accessed in the document attached in the box below.