Italian University Association for European Studies (AUSE): Workshop “Civil society: towards the 2014 European elections”. Florence, 21 March 2014

The Italian University Association for European Studies (AUSE, Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei) and the Research Centre on European Integration (CRIE) of the University of Siena promote together the workshop "Civil society: towards the 2014 European elections”. The event takes place on Friday 21st March in Florence, starting from 10 a.m., at the headquarters of the Historical Archives of the European Union (Villa Salviati). A special meeting of the holders of Jean Monnet Chairs, Modules and Centres of Excellence who are currently active in the Italian universities is organised for the afternoon of the same day.
AUSE, this year at its 25th anniversary, is the Italian national member of ECSA-World (European Community Studies Association) and represents more than 100 Italian academics that research and teach in the field of European integration.
The main goals of AUSE are, among others, the promotion of teaching and research on European integration, the development of co-operation among its members and, through them, among universities in Europe and throughout the world, the management of transnational research programmes, the provision of technical assistance concerning European programmes, and the production of scientific publishing in the area of European integration.