National Civil Service: Deadline for application extended for foreigners

The Department for Youth and National Civil Service has extended the deadline for submitting the application for foreigners within the call 2013/2014.
The deadline for applying to the National Civil Service is 16th December 2013, at 2.00 pm.
The following categories of young non-Italian citizens can apply: European Union citizens, relatives of European Union citizens who are not citizens of one of the EU Member States and have the right of residence or the right of permanent residence, holders of a residence permit for EC long-term residents, holders of a residence permit for asylum, holders of a residence permit for subsidiary protection.
The University of Padua offers the possibility to apply for 12 projects, comprising 88 places in total. The Human Rights Centre will select four volunteers to be included in the project "Connetti@amo studio, lavoro ed esperienze di pace: volontari per crescere", proposed in collaboration with other structures of the University, for the sector of education and cultural promotion – Peace education.
To apply for this project, it is necessary to specify in the motivations “Sede di servizio: Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani”.
Further information about the call and the selection procedures are available in the document attached below.