Presentation of “Barometer of the solidarity of Italians – 2010” Rome, 14 September 2010

On 14 September 2010 the data of the fourth edition of the Barometer of the solidarity of the Italian people have been presented in Rome. The Barometer is a survey promoted by Volunteers in the World – FOCSIV and managed in co-operation with the DOXA and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua. It is finalized to the knowledge of trends of Italian society in the field of international cooperation and solidarity.
In particular, the “Barometer 2010” has meant to survey, as in the previous editions, the “feeling” of the Italian people towards emergencies and problems which mostly affect the international scene (cooperation, debt, military expenses …). What questions, what urgencies are proposed to the public attention and to the political agenda from the wide representative sample of the Italian people interviewed?
The survey has been promoted by Volunteers in the World – FOCSIV, the Federation of 61 Christian non-governmental organizations of international voluntary service committed to the promotion of a culture of mondiality and to the cooperation with peoples of the South of the World. Their purpose is to contribute to the fight against every kind of poverty and exclusion, to the affirmation of human dignity and human rights and to the implementation of local communities and institutions.
The abstract of the report is also available in English.
For further information, pelase visit FOCSIV website.