Presentation of the volume “La protezione delle donne vittime di violenza nella prospettiva diritti umani” by Paola Degani and Roberto della Rocca at “La Fiera delle Parole” of Padua.

On 12th October 2013, Paola Degani, Aggregate Professor of Human Rights and Women Condition at the University of Padua and Roberto della Rocca, Deputy Commissioner of the State Police and Director of the flying squad of Verona Police Station, present the volume “La protezione delle donne vittime di violenza nella prospettiva diritti umani. Una riflessione in chiave operativa” (The protection of women victim of violence in a human rights perspective. An action-oriented analysis, CLEUP 2013) during the meeting “Emergenza Donne”.
The event, organised by the association Diritti Umani – Sviluppo Umano in the framework of the literary festival “La Fiera delle Parole”, aims to be an occasion to reflect upon the phenomenon of violence against women, starting from the analysis of the socio-economic dynamics, of the expressions of gender discrimination as well as of the measures for protecting victims.
The book contains a human rights-oriented analysis of the violence against women and of sexual discrimination, thus underlying the distance in terms of power that still characterizes the relationships between women and men. Specifically, the work proposes an analytical description of the critical aspects of the Italian system of protection for victims of violence, accompanying relevant considerations on the protection and promotion of women’s rights with a more action-oriented dimension.