Public Meeting on "The Fairtrade network of the Region of Veneto: the strength of a movement for an economy of the future". Venice, 12 May 2011
On May 12 2011, the Conference Hall of the Region of Veneto, Venice, will host the meeting "The Fairtrade network of the Region of Veneto: the strength of a movement for an economy of the future".
The event, realized with the financial support of the Region of Veneto, aims at providing a comprehensive picture of the activities of Fairtrade organizations and movements in the concerned territory as well as tracing future prospects and horizons of the network.
It will also represents the occasion to present the outcomes of a research on the economic and social impact of Fairtrade, to which the Human Rights Centre contributed as a partner for the part related to the human rights dimension of Fairtrade.
After the welcome addresses of Luca Zaia, President of the Region of Veneto, the meeting will host interventions and contributions of representatives of the Italian fairtrade labelling institution, the International Relations Department of the Region of Veneto, fairtrade organizations and the Univeristy of Padua.
The event, promoted by AGICES (Italian Fairtrade Assembly) and the network of Fairtrade Organizations of the Region of Veneto, is particularly addressed to local institutions officials, fairtrade volunteers and workers, students.
The participation is open and free. For more information please write