Young people and gender stereotypes: data from Centro Veneto Progetti Donna

"Centro Veneto Progetti Donna" published its analysis on the overall results collected from the questionnaires answered by the classes who joined the path “Knowing beyond stereotypes” in the school year 2020-2021, which involved a total of 587 students of secondary schools in the province of Padua.
The analysis shows the persistence of stereotypes and forms of gender discrimination in the new generations, and especially in the young male population, mainly towards the typical gender stereotype of women as inherent mothers, and on the gendered division of labor according to which there are “male” and “female” jobs. However, this survey finds a positive indicator relating to the need for a more equitable distribution of domestic work within the couple.
This project falls within the scope of the work of "Centro Veneto Progetti Donna" on male violence against women, which is a structural phenomenon rooted in our culture, values, and models of gender relationships. Therefore, it must be subjected to a profound transformation, also through the education system.
Centro Veneto Progetti Donna is a voluntary association that offers support to Italian and foreign women in difficulty, who are involved in situations of violence and/or abuse. It was created in Padua in 1990 on the initiative of a group of women to give a concrete response to the numerous requests for help.