Region of Veneto: meeting on public-private partnership to support migrants' business creation in their countries of origin

On Wednesday January 25th 2012, the Region of Veneto, within the partnership in the Su.Pa Project, Successful Path, co-funded by the European Union and in collaboration with Banca Popolare Etica, organizes a meeting on public-private Partnership for co-development: the Su.Pa Guarantee Fund to support migrants business creation in their countries of origin.
The purpose of the meeting is to present to stakeholders the newly-formed Su.Pa Guarantee Fund for migrants entrepreneurs in their countries of origins and to illustrate the path that, over the years, has led to the definition of this instrument.
The Fund has required a strong commitment both in terms of financial architecture and institutional cooperation and represents a vanguard at the European level for the promotion of co-development policies.
Participants will discuss about future opportunities for the sustainability of the Fund and about the impact that such initiative can have to the economic development process of a developing Country.
The meeting will be held in Padua, at the headquarters of Banca Popolare Etica.