Save the date! 19 September 1:15-2:45 pm EST, "Transforming Education to Transform the World: Learning to live together sustainably" @ Transforming Education Summit in NY

© Shutterstock/Pierre Banoori

On Monday 19 September 2022, 13:30-15:00 (EDT), will be held the Spotlight Session 3 of the Transforming Education Summit Transforming education to transform the world: Empowering global citizens for a peaceful, just and sustainable future : Education for Sustainable Development on Leaders Day. This session offers a space for a high-level dialogue among heads of state, leaders and influencers of a just, peaceful and sustainable world, to exchange perspectives and action on ESD and global citizenship education.

This session is co-convened by UNESCO and Japan.

We invite you to pre-register for this event at the following link.
You will later be contacted on how to register to obtain the links to join these events virtually.
