Universal Civil Service at the Human Rights Centre: call for the project "Human rights, glocal and digital citizenship". New deadline: 10 February 2022

Update: The application deadline for the Universal Civil Service has been extended.
The new deadline is 10 February, 14.00 hours.
The Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" is launching a new Civil Service project for 4 young people aged between 18 and 28. The project, which is part of the intervention programme "Inclusive cities: universities, museums and libraries for tomorrow's culture", is developed in collaboration with the Digital Learning and Multimedia Office.
The call for applications is also open to all foreign citizens in possession of a valid residence permit at the time of application. A minimun knowledge of Italian is required.
The project aims to contribute to the achievement of Goal 4 and in particular Target 4.7 of the UN 2030 Agenda to develop and promote those knowledge and skills that are required to be active and responsible citizens and to train both to the most digitally qualified professions and to the themes and culture of human rights, solidarity and social inclusion.
At the Human Rights Centre volunteers will be involved in several activities such as:
- drafting and publishing contents on the specific topic "glocal and digital citizenship" and more generally on human rights and culture of peace, in Italian and English;
- editing and updating of social media profiles, production of videos, multimedia and graphic contents for institutional and scientific communication;
- updating and developing databases and resources on human rights and culture of peace;
- organisation and management of events, international conferences and other cultural initiatives promoted by the Centre.
- Support for secretarial activities (front and back-office), updating of mailing lists, interaction with users and improvement of the services offered by the Centre.
The activities shared with the Digital Learning and Multimedia Office will be:
- Organisation of events
- Design and implementation of interventions aimed at high schools in the city
- Production and publication of informative multimedia products
Volunteers will have the opportunity to live an international experience at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, a unique structure of its kind in Italy in the field of human rights education and training.
The Centre is part of the Global Campus of Human Rights, the largest global network of universities based on the collaboration between the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and seven Regional Master Programmes taking place in Venice for Europe, Sarajevo for South-East Europe, Yerevan for the Caucasus, Pretoria for Africa, Buenos Aires for Latin America and the Caribbean, and Beirut for the Arab world. This network, which includes 100 prestigious universities, is the largest university network in the world specialising in the field of human rights and democracy. Its partners are renowned worldwide for their leadership in education, research and advocacy on human rights and democracy.
The Centre also collaborates with major international organisations, from the UN to UNESCO, from the Council of Europe to the European Union, and with numerous non-governmental organisations, including Amnesty International, Save the Children, the Association of Italian NGOs, the In Difesa Di Network for Human Rights and their Protection, the National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights, Tavola della Pace, the Pope John XIII Association, FOCSIV, ARCI, among others.
Significant is also the collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the functioning of the Interministerial Committee for Human Rights; with the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the training of teachers and principals on the human rights dimension for the subject of "Citizenship and Constitution"; with the Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the areas of human trafficking and violence against women; with the Department of Youth and National Civil Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the management of the "Civil Peace Corps"; with the Extraordinary Commission for Human Rights of the Senate of the Republic.
The project is carried out within the framework of the 2021 call for proposals published by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Youth and Universal Civil Service, for the selection of 56,205 young people to be employed in Italy and abroad.
The University of Padua offers the possibility to apply for 7 Universal Civil Service projects.
The application must be submitted by 26 January 2022.
The call, the project and the application forms are available on the website of the University of Padua - Civil Service, which can be reached through the link below.