University of Padova: Psychodebate "Multiculturalism has failed - it is time to re-evaluate cultural inclusion", 14 June 2023

The School of Psychology of the University of Padova is organizing a series of debates to be held throughout the year. The aim of the debates is to foster critical thinking and to allow students to develop soft skills such as self reflection, team building and public speaking in an unconventional learning environment.
The fourth debate debate is about "Multiculturalism has failed - it is time to re-evaluate cultural inclusion" and it is scheduled for June 14, 5.30 p.m. (Hall A, Psico building 3. Via Venezia 14).
The structure of the debate is the following: Each debate is about a controversial issue (motion). The argumentations and the team of speakers in favour of the motion constitute the “proposition”. Arguments and the team against the motion constitute the “opposition”. There is a moderator that chairs and coordinates the whole debate. Each speaker has a limited time to present their arguments. The debate is followed by a conclusive recap (rebuttal) where one member of each team has the opportunity to respond to the issues raised by the opposite team. At the end of the debate the audience can also intervene.
Everyone from the academic community is welcome to join, both as a participant or a listener.
More information and/or registrations can be found here.