Complete list of events and updates



UNDP report: Gender equality - no improvements over the last decade

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released a study about the progress of gender equality during the past 10 years,...

Last update 23/6/2023
Diritti negati e detenzione: la tragica realtà dei migranti arrivati in Italia nella relazione del Garante al Parlamento

United Nations: horror for the migrant shipwreck off Greek coast

Dozen more deaths appeared in the Mediterranean after an overloaded boat capsized off the coast of Greece. Last reports contained...

Last update 21/6/2023
Nazioni Unite: Giornata mondiale del rifugiato, 20 giugno 2019

20th of June: celebrating the World Refugee Day

According to the UN, forced displacement is a daily issue: every 20 minutes a person leaves everything behind to escape...

Last update 19/6/2023
Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) logo

GHR Expert Seminar ‘Strengthening the UN Special procedures’ , 21 June 2023

To mark its 20th Anniversary, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) convenes its (41st) Expert Seminar on the theme ‘The strengthening...

Last update 17/6/2023

12th of June: “Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!”

According to the UN, although the world had been making progress on eradicating child labour, a series of international events...

Last update 12/6/2023
Peace by peaceful means. Ceasefire and negotiations now! Statement from the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, 2023

International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, Vienna, June 10-11 2023: Peace by peaceful means. Ceasefire and negotiations now!

We, the organizers of the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, call on leaders in all countries to act in...

Last update 12/6/2023
UN Habitat, I'm a City Changer, Campaign to promote sustainable cities

FRA: available the practical guidance for human rights cities in the EU

The European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a Practical Guidance to help cities improve their efforts to respect...

Last update 10/6/2023
Artificial intelligence and big data

FRA: a human rights approach to AI services across Europe

As requested by the European Parliament, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) released a report updating a study...

Last update 6/6/2023

Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) Conference 2023: scholarships for Human Rights Defenders from the Global South

7-9 September | University of Deusto - Bilbao, Spain Registration open from 2 May to 17 july 2023 A limited number...

Last update 5/6/2023

Unitet Nations: cautious optimism on the Peace agreement in Yemen

Hans Grundberg, UN Special Envoy, has briefed ambassadors from the internationally-recognized government of Yemen, representatives of the Houthi rebels from...

Last update 4/6/2023

UNICEF: Millions of children still facing dire conditions 100 days after Türkiye-Syria quakes

Millions of children in Türkiye and Syria are still enduring dire conditions, 100 days after devastating earthquakes struck both countries,...

Last update 3/6/2023
Photo of the entry courtyard of the new venue of the Human Rights Centre

New venue of the Human Rights Centre

The Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" has moved to its new premises at the University Complex in via Beato Pellegrino 28, Padova. ...

Last update 29/5/2023
UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, logo

UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation: call for researchers

The Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research has launched a call for researchers interested in joining UNESCO’s chair of...

Last update 29/5/2023
University of Padova: Psychodebate "Multiculturalism has failed - it is time to re-evaluate cultural inclusion", 14 June 2023

University of Padova: Psychodebate "Multiculturalism has failed - it is time to re-evaluate cultural inclusion", 14 June 2023

The School of Psychology of the University of Padova is organizing a series of debates to be held throughout the...

Last update 26/5/2023

UN agencies call for more collaboration over refugee, migration crisis in Americas

The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have called for greater multilateral action to...

Last update 24/5/2023