Complete list of events and updates


Group picture of the Padova Model UPR 5° edition

The 5th edition of the Padova Model UPR has ended

The 5th edition of the Padova Model UPR, held from 22 to 25 November 2022, came to its conclusion. The...

Last update 21/11/2022

University of Padova: Is killing animals inevitable? The 1st Psychodebate organized by the School of Psychology

The School of Psychology has announced the Psychodebates: a series of academic debates taking place throughout the academic year. The...

Last update 14/11/2022
N.E.x.T TO YOU - Network for the Empowerment, the social and labor inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults is a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2019 and coordinated by Veneto

N.E.x.T TO YOU: 15 November, final conference

N.E.x.T TO YOU - Network for the Empowerment, the social and labor inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults is...

Last update 13/11/2022

University of Padova International Conference Keynote Speaker: UN Special Rapporteur on the promotions and protection of rights in the context...

Mr. Ian Fry was appointed Special Rapporteur on the promotions and protection of rights in the context of climate change...

Last update 10/11/2022

University of Padova International Conference Keynote Speaker: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Ambassador Kairat Abdrakhmanov of Kazakhstan was appointed OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) in 2020. The role of the...

Last update 10/11/2022
Man with a woman in tears

European ministers adopt “Dublin Declaration” on preventing violence through equality

On Sptemeber 30th, thirty-eight Council of Europe member states have committed to a “Dublin Declaration” outlining a series of steps...

Last update 9/11/2022

Spyware and surveillance: Threats to privacy and human rights growing, UN report warns

During the fifty-first session, the Human Rights Council enacted the Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human...

Last update 4/11/2022

United Nations: 12 new elected countries to serve new terms on Human Rights Council

12 new countries were chosen to serve a three year period in the Human Rights Council. After the voting ended,...

Last update 4/11/2022
UNESCO logo at the entrance of the headquarters in Paris

30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme: Transforming knowledge for just and sustainable futures, 3-4 November, Paris

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme, UNESCO is organizing a two days conference, 3-4 November 2022,...

Last update 2/11/2022

Join the Human Rights Centre 'Antonio Papisca' for the “Europe for Peace” Rally, Saturday 5th November 2022

The Comitato promotore della Marcia PeruggiAssisi, the Tavola della Pace, together with the Human Rights Centre, will participate in the...

Last update 25/10/2022

The Nobel Peace Prize 2022

The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski from Belarus, the Russian human rights organisation...

Last update 20/10/2022
Crowd of protesters

United Nations: Opening of the trial for the 2009 massacre in Guinea

Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif, UN Secretary General António Guterres and International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim...

Last update 18/10/2022

Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: 50 million people worldwide in modern slavery

According to the latest data from the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery produced by ILO, Walk Free and the International...

Last update 18/10/2022
A girl playing guitar and singing

October 10th: World Mental Health Day 2022

World Mental Health Day occurs on 10 October each year; it was established by the World Federation for Mental Health...

Last update 10/10/2022

Human Rights Violations - Solidarity with Iranian Women

The Network of Italian Universities for Peace (RUniPace) Expresses its sympathy and solidarity with the students of Iranian nationality enrolled...

Last update 5/10/2022