Complete list of events and updates



Meeting with Silvana Arbia, Registrar of the International Criminal Court (21 April 2011)

The meeting on the teme "International Criminal Court and civil society" will be held on Thursday 21 April 2011, at...

Last update 8/4/2011
International Flag of the Roma people

8 April 2011, Celebration of the International Roma Day - 40th Anniversary of the First World Romani Congress

On April 8 2011 it will be celebrated the International Roma Day, which will also mark the fortieth anniversary since...

Last update 4/4/2011
A photo of two hands holding the world, with Europe in view.

Institutional Independence in an Inter-regional Perspective: A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Workshop. San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence), 6 April 2011....

Institutional Independence in an Inter-regional Perspective: A Multidisciplinary and Comparative Workshop. San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence), 6 April 2011....

Last update 4/4/2011
View of the Giudecca island from Saint Mark Square, Venice

EIUC: Venice Academy of Human Rights. Venezia, 11-15 July 2011

The new edition of the Venice Academy of Human Rights, organised by  the European Inter-Univestity Centre for Human Rights and...

Last update 25/3/2011
Father Alejandro Solalinde, Human Rights Defender

Father Solalinde, Mexican defender of migrants’ rights, meets the students of the degree and post-graduate Course on human rights at...

The Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, in collaboration with Peace Brigades International and the Municipality...

Last update 15/3/2011
Profile of a student while speaking in a meeting at Wilson Palace, Geneva, Switzerland.

European University Foundation – Campus Europae: Forum Human Rights in Higher Education. Luxembourg 10-11 March 2011

The first edition of the Forum Human Rights in Higher Education will be held at the Abbaye de Neumünster in...

Last update 9/3/2011
The picture shows a Roma family composed by father, mother and three children who are sat on big cushions inside their home

Housing Forum, Europe and Central Asia. Budapest 04-06 April 2011

Organized by the Habitat for Humanity International, the first European - Central Asian Housing Forum will take place in Budapest...

Last update 31/3/2011
The European Union flag in the form of a puzzle that composes the terrestrial globe.

European Union: Regulation on EU citizens' initiative, further encouragement of European civil rights.

On 16 February 2011 Jànos Martonyi on behalf of the European Council and Jerzy Buzek President of the European Parliament...

Last update 27/2/2011
Student body and staff participate in the inauguration ceremony for the 2002-2003 academic year of the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization, venice, 2002

EIUC: European Master (E.MA) and Summer Activities

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation - EIUC, is pleased to propose its European Master Programme and...

Last update 17/2/2011

Region of Veneto: participation in the European project "Friends Online" (DAPHNE programme III)

The Regional Committee for the Communications ( of the Region of Veneto, the Regional Council and Government's body for communication...

Last update 17/2/2011
Logo of the Campaign "M'illumino di Meno" promoted by Caterpillar radio show, 2011

Caterpiller - Seventh edition of the Campaign I will use less light - M'illumino di meno. !8 February

On 14 February 2005 (when the Kyoto Protocol came into force), Caterpillar, a popular current radio show on Italian Public...

Last update 17/2/2011
Official logo of the European Master in human rights and democratization (

EIUC: Vacancy Announcement for E.MA Programme Director 2011/2010

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) is seeking a qualified individual for the position of E.MA...

Last update 3/2/2011
Pavel Nedved, La mia vita normale. Di corsa tra rivoluzione, Europa e Pallone d'oro" (Add Editore, 2010)

Pavel Nedved, former Golden Ball in 2003, meets the students of the degree and post-graduate Courses on human rights of...

Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Aula Magna of the Department of Sociology, via Cesarotti, 10/12, Tuesday 15...

Last update 28/1/2011
Global Dialogue, disegno di Laurens Bekemans

International Workshop "Education to Intercultural Dialogue", 22-23 March 2011, Aula Nievo, University of Padua

In the framework of its thematic network activities on capacity building and curriculum development in the area of intercultural dialogue...

Last update 27/1/2011
The "Pietà Rondanini", detail of the Antonio Papisca's "The Law of Human Dignity" coverbook, 2010

The Law of Human Dignity: just published the latest book by Prof. A. Papisca

  Marsilio Publishing (Venice), has just released the new book by Professor Antonio Papisca, UNESCO Chair "Democracy, Human Rights and...

Last update 25/1/2011