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Contents tagged with key-word:   Human Rights

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Religious Documents on Human Rights

  List of selected official documents on religion and human rights. Catholicism Rerum Novarum, Encyclical, Pope Leo XIII, 1891 Pacem in Terris, Encyclical, Pope John XXIII, ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
Arab League

Islamic Documents on Human Rights

One of the most important outcome originated from the increasing debate on Islam and human rights and the gradual emergence of “progressive Islam” is represented by the elaboration of ...

Last update 26 Jul 2016
Muslim Women in Prayer

Islam and Human Rights

The relationship between Islam and human rights represents a crucial challenge for the contemporary human rights discourse. Current international events have progressively made this issue extremely ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
Buddhist Monk

Buddhism and Human Rights

The relationship between Buddhism and human rights is characterized by both resonances and areas of concern. The academic reflection on this issue has only recently emerged. Over the last decades of ...

Last update 26 Jul 2016
Cross of Saint Benedict

Catholicism and Human Rights

The file tries to shed a light on the ambivalent and dynamic nature of the relationship between Catholicism and human rights. To this end, it is divided into two parts. The first part analyses ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
Map of Europe

Religion and the European Human Rights Standards

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is widely regarded by European institutions as one of the foundations of a democratic society. In order to deal with religious rights and liberties, both ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
International conference “Religions and Human Rights”, Padua (Italy), April 14-15, 2016

Religion and the International Human Rights Standards

Over the last decades, the process of international standard-setting has played a crucial role in fostering the protection and promotion of religious rights and liberties. International human ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
National banners of the Member States of the UNO (United Nations Organization) outside the UN Headquarters.

Religion and the Human Rights Machinery

United Nations At the United Nations (UN) level, there are two Special Rapporteurs and a treaty body dealing with the promotion and protection of religious rights and freedoms, adopting different ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
A collection of project partners' logos
[Institutional Contents]

Project Description

The TEMVI project has been co-funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union. Grant: HOME/2013/ISEC/AG/THB/400000549 The project is led by the Human Rights ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Guangzhou University Institute for Human Rights
[Institutional Contents]

Agreement with Guangzhou University Institute for Human Rights, China

On 27th May 2016, the Coordinator of the Joint Ph.D Programme, Giuseppe Giordan, and the Executive Director of the Guangzhou University Institute for Human Rights, Songcai Yang, signed a Memorandum ...

Last update 4 Apr 2022
Western Sydney University
[Events and Updates]

University of Western Sydney: full scholarship available for the joint Ph.D in Human Rights, Society, and Multi-Level Governance

In the framework of new cycle of the joint international Ph.D programme in Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance, following the call for applications launched by the University of Padova ...

Last update 25 Mar 2019
Servizio civile nazionale, progetto “Azione in red@zione per una cittadinanza plurale ed inclusiva”
[Events and Updates]

National Civil Service at the Human Rights Centre: opening of the call adressed to three young volounteers for the project “Azione in red@zione per una cittadinanza plurale ed inclusiva”

The Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova launches the new National Civil Service project called “Azione in red@zione per una cittadinanza plurale ed inclusiva”. There are 3 ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
Human Rights Orchestra in Concert, Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo Liviano, Wednesday 8 June 2016, 9.00 PM
[Institutional Contents]

Human Rights Orchestra in Concert

Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo Liviano Wednesday June, 8th 9.00 pm Musicians for Human Rights will perform in Padova on Wednesday June, 8th at 9pm in Sala dei Giganti of Palazzo Liviano with ...

Last update 26 Mar 2019
Neal Hall - The poet of human rights
[Audio Collections]

Neal Hall, the poet of human rights

Neal Hall, M.D. was born in Warren, Ohio. He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University. After earning an M.D. from Michigan State University, he took his surgical subspecialty ...

Last update 6 Jun 2016