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Contents tagged with key-word:   International Human Rights Law

Distruzione nella striscia di Gaza
[Events and Updates]

OHCHR: published report on possible violations of the laws of war by Israel in Gaza

On June 19 the UN Human Rights Office published a thematic report, on six emblematic attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza last year that led to high numbers of civilian fatalities and ...

Last update 2 Jul 2024
[Events and Updates]

The European Union deposited the instrument of approval of the “Istanbul Convention”

The European Union has ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS No. 210), known as “Istanbul ...

Last update 11 Sep 2023
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Watch 2023 Report: A New Model for Global Leadership on Human Rights

The litany of human rights crises in 2022 from Russian President Vladimir Putin's intentional attacks on civilians in Ukraine to Xi Jinping's open-air prison for Uyghurs in China to the Taliban's ...

Last update 14 Feb 2023
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Published new guide “Protecting Minority Rights: A Practical Guide to Developing Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Legislation”

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights and the Equal Rights Trust have joined forces to launch “Protecting Minority Rights: A Practical Guide to Developing ...

Last update 30 Dec 2022
Motorola radar detectors, Bracha Settlement, Apr 2011, Photographed by Dror

The Business behind Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT): a Case Study of the Surveillance Industry

Laura Caramignoli holds a master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance from the University of Padova. This in Focus article is an excerpt from her master thesis, discussed in ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
OHCHR on Belarus
[Events and Updates]

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet Comments on Belarus

In a note published by the High Commissioner Of Human Rights, Ms Michelle Bachelet feels deeply alarmed at the latest developments in Belarus where on 14 July the security forces carried out dozens ...

Last update 19 Aug 2021
Michelle Bachelet (on screen), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, addresses the 30th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the “Grave Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, at Palais des Natio
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Council Establishes International Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel

On 27 May 2021, the Human Rights Council (HRC) established an international commission of inquiry to investigate violations leading up to and since 13 April 2021and all underlying root causes of ...

Last update 3 Jun 2021
Manuale sul diritto europeo in materia di asilo, frontiere e immigrazione
[Events and Updates]

FRA published the Italian asylum and migration handbook

At the event held by the Italian Academy of Law and Migration, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) presented the Italian version of the handbook on European law relating to ...

Last update 11 Mar 2021
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
[Events and Updates]

International Human Rights Day: Tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

On the International Human Rights Day 2020, UN Women organises a high-level interactive conversation of an intergenerational group of women leaders and advocates for gender equality, to honour ...

Last update 10 Dec 2020
[Events and Updates]

Sur International Journal on Human Rights published a new edition on Human Rights Defenders

The 30th issue of Sur - International Journal on Human Rights is aimed at showing the faces and trajectories of human rights defenders and celebrating their achievements without giving up thinking ...

Last update 26 Aug 2020

Appeal for peace in Syria

by the Human Rights Centre and the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padova, 14 October 2019 Stop immediately the Turkish unilateral military ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
A fire burns in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil
[Events and Updates]

Bachelet to the Human Rights Council on climate emergency: “The world has never seen a threat to human rights of this scope”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, opened the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council (9-27 September) with a speech focused on the relations between climate ...

Last update 20 Sep 2019
Dabiq #7, Islam Is the Religion of the Sword, Not Pacifism

Terrorism, Propaganda and Human Rights in the Islamic State

Sheila Compagnucci, holds a master's degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance & International Relations obtained in the framework of the double degree programme established between ...

Last update 3 Oct 2019
Mediterranea Saving Humans
[Events and Updates]

United Nations independent experts sent a letter to the Italian Government condemning a draft law by Italian Interior Minister to fine migrant rescuers

United Nations human rights experts Felipe González Morales, Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants; Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or ...

Last update 28 May 2019
Tent city of San Ferdinando, Calabria region, built next to the previous slum where hundreds of migrant workers lived
[Events and Updates]

United Nations Human Rights Experts call Italy for urgent measures to protect migrant workers of the informal settlement of San Ferdinando in Calabria

The UN experts Ms Urmila Bhoola (South Africa), Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, Ms Leilani Farha (Canada), Special Rapporteur on adequate ...

Last update 21 Mar 2019