In Focus

Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Preventive Mechanisms in the Struggle against Torture: monitoring Places of Deprivation of Liberty to prevent Human Rights Violations

Since the mid 1970s, the growing concern about the widespread use of torture and ill-treatments throughout the world led to...

Created on: 19/11/2019 - Last Update: 19/11/2019
African child on ruins and garbage

The Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage: the Economical-Political Blockade and Future Prospects for Reparations against Climate Change...

Nowadays, the entire world is experiencing more and more the increase in frequency and intensity of climate change adverse impacts...

Created on: 12/11/2019 - Last Update: 10/1/2020
Man during Beirut protests with a flag from Lebanon

In Lebanon, People are taking back what belongs to them: Unity, Rights, public Spaces

What started as a small group of people going to the street to protest against the decision of the government...

Created on: 25/10/2019 - Last Update: 25/10/2019
Press release in support of women's right to a positive work environment and for government to take workplace sexual harassment cases more seriously

Strong-Women Leadership in Africa: How women parliamentarians are changing the policy making in Uganda

Women, making up half of the world’s population, find themselves outside of the chambers which determine their social, political and...

Created on: 21/10/2019 - Last Update: 14/11/2019

Appeal for peace in Syria

The Human Rights Centre and the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padova appeals to...

Created on: 21/10/2019 - Last Update: 21/10/2019
Madhesi protesters throw stones and bricks at Nepalese policemen in Birgunj, a town on the border with India, on Nov. 2, 2015

The Constitution of Nepal: Controversies regarding Citizenship Rights and Political Representation in the Terai

The Constitution of the Republic of Nepal was adopted in September 2015, amidst a climate of intense protests and controversy...

Created on: 09/10/2019 - Last Update: 21/11/2019

The Transformative Potential of Early Childhood Development (ECD): a Focus on the Italian Situation

Nowadays child poverty still affects too many and too young children in the world, mostly in the form of child...

Created on: 01/10/2019 - Last Update: 1/10/2019
French farmer Cédric Herrou, who received a four-month suspended jail sentence in August 2017 for helping some migrants to crossing the Italian-French border.

The Criminalisation of Humanitarian Assistance Towards Irregular Migrants in the EU

All over Europe we are witnessing increasing hostility, attacks and prosecutions against civil society actors engaged in providing humanitarian assistance...

Created on: 25/09/2019 - Last Update: 1/10/2019
Chinese temple

China Going Global: What are the Risks for International Human Rights?

There was a time in which China was an inward-looking country, far from capitalist precepts and from the goal of...

Created on: 24/09/2019 - Last Update: 24/9/2019
Child in war ruins

The Syrian Conflict and the Role of the International Criminal Court

The Syrian conflict formally began in March 2011, when a series of protests against President Assad erupted in different parts...

Created on: 16/09/2019 - Last Update: 22/9/2019
Dabiq #7, Islam Is the Religion of the Sword, Not Pacifism

Terrorism, Propaganda and Human Rights in the Islamic State

The Islamic State (IS) is also known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq...

Created on: 03/09/2019 - Last Update: 3/9/2019
African migrant women on a boat

Women and Migration: between Violence, Discrimination and Intersectionality

We are living in an era in which human rights are increasingly interdependent and interrelated, in which the intensification of...

Created on: 26/08/2019 - Last Update: 22/9/2019
The United Nations Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World

The United Nations Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World

The "Lazy person's guide to saving the world" is a list of super easy things that every person, even the...

Created on: 02/07/2019 - Last Update: 2/7/2019
People at the marketplace of Lolachat in Uganda

Think Globally, Act Locally: Building Rural Climate Resilience in Karamoja, Uganda

Across our planet, anthropogenic climate change is manifesting itself through the spearheading symptom of global warming that is driving other...

Created on: 24/06/2019 - Last Update: 2/7/2019
Field with tractors

Land grabbing: what does it truly mean?

Land grabbing is a term that is getting higher attention in the mainstream debates (articles, conferences, media), but what does...

Created on: 19/06/2019 - Last Update: 2/7/2019