Intersectorial and interagencies coordination in mainstreaming disability issues
Tipologia documento
Altri Documenti (Articolo, presentazione, manuale, linee guida, …)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti
Mainstreaming disability issues has been the major focus of the Disability Programme of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), as it is the most effective and inclusive approach to solve issues faced by persons with disabilities. The other focus has been the empowerment of persons with disabilities through assisting the development of self-help organizations of persons with disabilities in the region.
The Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002, was proclaimed by Commission resolution 48/3 to promote the full participation and equality of persons with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region. ESCAP has been in a position to strengthen the capacity of Governments in the ESCAP region in achieving the full participation and equality of persons with disabilities. Throughout the Decade, the mainstreaming of disability issues has been promoted through advocating multisectoral/intersectoral collaboration and interagency coordination within the region.