Resource Kit No. 7 Civil Rights Law and Disabled People
ONG - Società civile
Tipologia documento
Altri Documenti (Articolo, presentazione, manuale, linee guida, …)
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti
This is a Resource Kit for organisations of disabled people that need to know more about legislation to protect the rights of disabled people. In preparing the Resource Kit, we have tried to remember that:
• law is often talked about and used in a way that few people
understand - the language and procedures of law seem to be
designed to exclude people and prevent them understanding what
is going on.
• law is not the most exciting subject!
So, although this Resource Kit looks at different types of law, it tries to do so in a practical way. We are aware that having a law and having access to it are often very different things. The Resource Kit also looks at some of the problems with law itself and the strange way that courts sometimes interpret it.
If your organisation is determined to work towards full and enforceable rights for disabled people, remember to look at other issues, such as:
• making sure that your organisation can deal with extra calls for
information or help from disabled people, politicians and the media,
• running seminars to explain the need for civil rights law to
journalists, for example.
CONTENTS • INTRODUCTION • The Way that the resource kit is organised • PART ONE • ARE CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS WHAT WE NEED? • DIFFERENT TYPES OF LAW • Civil rights, human rights and non-discrimination • WHY BOTHER WITH CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION? • Well it worked there... • Everyone will support what we are trying to do... won't they? • PUTTING CIVIL RIGHTS ON THE AGENDA • SETTING THE AGENDA • Can you draw up your own legislation? • PART 2 • WHAT MIGHT CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION INCLUDE? • DECIDING WHO WILL BE PROTECTED BY THE LEGISLATION • Defining 'disabled' - the different approaches • WHAT AREAS OF LIFE SHOULD BE AFFECTED BY THE CIVIL RIGHTS LAW? • How different areas of life affect each other • Watch your language! • Does existing civil rights law offer a blueprint for disability legislation? • Adjustments - what, when and where? • PART 3 • WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE? • SPEAKING WITH ONE VOICE • CONCLUSION • APPENDIX 1 • DEFINITIONS OF 'DISABLED PERSON' • DETAILED EXAMPLES • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - a lesson in complexity! • USA - The Americans With Disabilities Act 1990 • Definitions of 'disabled person' around the world