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31/10/2007 (Archivio storico)

Consiglio d'Europa: Forum di Lisbona 2007 del Centro Nord-Sud

Uno dei maggiori compiti del Centro Nord-Sud, istituzione del Consiglio d’Europa basata a Lisbona, è quello di facilitare il dialogo sul buon governo democratico (democratic governance). A tale scopo ogni anno è organizzato un evento intitolato “Lisbon Forum” che nell’edizione 2006 ha visto dibattere il tema “Costituzionalismo: la chiave per la democrazia, i diritti umani e lo stato di diritto”.


L’ edizione 2007 del forum  si occuperà invece del ruolo delle istituzioni per i diritti umani con la partecipazione di rappresentanti di organismi del Consiglio d’Europa come la Commissione di Venezia e il Commissario per i diritti umani. Per l’ Italia sarà presente Carola Corazzone, in rappresentanza delle 72 ONG che formano il Comitato Italiano per la promozione e la protezione dei diritti umani. La partecipazione del  Comitato a tale evento si inserisce nella campagna “Io voglio di piu” della Tavola per la Pace che mira a promuovere un maggiore coinvolgimento del governo italiano in materia di diritti umani. Tra le richieste vi è quella di un impegno concreto per la costituzione nel nostro Paese della Commissione Nazionale Indipendente di tutela e promozione dei diritti umani.




Links   https://www.comitatodirittiumani.org/










lisbon forum 2007




Annual Forum of the North-South Centre in co-operation with the Venice Commission and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe










Draft Programme[1]




National Human Rights Institutions:


the cornerstone for the promotion and protection of human rights




(Lisbon, 16-17 November 2007)






The Lisbon Forum 2007 will facilitate the debate on the role, function and action of the National Human rights Institutions (NHRIs), as well as on the question of their interaction with constitutional courts. The presentations will also highlight the role of North-South co-operation in reinforcing the efficiency of the NHRIs.






16 November  2007






08.00 – 09.00             Arrival of participants  




09.00 – 10.00             Opening Session




·        Mr Peter Schieder, President of the Lisbon Forum;


·        Mr Claude Frey, President of the Executive Council of the North-South Centre, Council of Europe;


·        Mr Thomas Hammarberg, Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe;


·        Mr Gianni Buquicchio, Secretary of the Venice Commission, Council of Europe;


·        Mr Nazim Ahmad, Representative of the Aga Khan Development Network






10.00 – 10.20              Coffee break




10.20 – 12.45              Session I:  Role and objectives of the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI)




What are the similarities and differences between NHRIs of the South and those of North? What are their role and functions?  How can co-operation between ombudsmen and National Human Rights Commissions be strengthened?




Moderator:  Mr Erik Nyindu, Journaliste




10.20 – 11.30             The role of Ombudsmen:




10.20 –10.40              Introductions to exchanges:




Perspective of the North:




-    Dr. Peter Kostelka, Ombudsman of Austria, Vice-President of the European Region of the International Ombudsman Institute




Perspective of the South:


-    Mrs Alifa Chaâbane Farouk, Ombudsman of Tunisia, Vice-President of the African Region of the International Ombudsman Institute




10.40 – 11.30              Debate






11.30 12.45             Role of National Human Rights Commissions




11.30 11.50             Introductions to exchanges:




Perspective of the North:


-           Mr Roger Vincent Calatayud, National Human Rights Commission, France




Perspective of the South:


-           Mr Jody Kollapen, President of the South African Human Rights Commission




11h.50 – 12.45            Debate






12.45 – 14.00              Lunch






14.00 – 16.00              Session II : The interaction between the NHRIs and constitutional and ordinary courts




The NHRIs are required to work with constitutional and ordinary courts. What relationship do they have with the courts? What powers do they have with regard to the judicial system? Moreover, what role can they play in the safeguarding or the development of democratic processes ?




Moderator:  Michel Villan, former Chairman of the CDMG




14.00 14.40             Introduction to exchanges:




Perspective of the North:


-          Mr Enrique Mùgica Herzog, Ombudsman of Spain




Perspective of the South:


-           Mr Mahjoub Elhaiba, Secretary General, NHRC, Morocco




14.40 – 15.40              Debate






15.40 – 16.00  Coffee break






16.00 – 18.30              Session III : The role of NHRIs in the promotion and protection of the rights of vulnerable groups : prisoners and children




What are the good practices of the NHRIs in the protection and promotion of the rights of the most vulnerable populations? What role can children’s ombudsmen play in the promotion of children’s rights? How can the European Network of Ombudsmen for Children (ENOC) be reinforced? How can North-South co-operation between children’s ombudsmen be strengthened?




The NHRIs are also mindful of the respect of fundamental rights of prisoners.  What are the challenges they face in this regard ? What solutions can be found?




Moderator:   Mrs Diène Keita, UNFPA representative, Mauritania




16.00 17.00             NHRIs and the rights of the child




16.00 16.20             Introduction to exchanges:




Perspective of the North:


-          Mrs Léna Nyberg, Children’s Ombudsman in Sweden




Perspective of the South:


-           Mr Alioune Tine, RADHO, Senegal




16.20 17.00             Debate




17.00-17.30                NHRIs and the rights of prisoners:




17.00 17.20             Introduction to exchanges:




Perspectives of the North:


-           Mrs Carola Carazzone, Italian Committee for the promotion and protection of human rights




Perspectives of the South:


-           Mr Veda Ballomoody, Lawyer, Mauritius




17.20 – 18.30              Debate




20h00                          Dinner






17 November 2006






9.00 – 10.00                Session IV : NHRIs and North-South co-operation




                                    What North-South co-operation should be set up to reinforce the effectiveness and the impact of the NHRIs? What role can the NHRIs play in the process of regionalisation and globalisation?




Moderator:  Mr Jody Kollapen, President of the South African Human Rights Commission






9.00 9.30                 Introduction to exchanges:




-           Mrs Martine Haugaard, Unit of National Institutions, Office of Human Rights, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


-           Mrs Margaret Sekkagya, President of the Co-ordinating Committee of African national human rights institutions  (CCANHRI)




9.30 – 10.30               Debate




10.30 – 10.50             Coffee break






10.50 – 11.50              Conclusions and follow up






11.50 – 12.30             Closing Session




·        Mr Peter Schieder, President of the Lisbon Forum;


·        Representative of the Venice Commission;


·        Mrs Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director General of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport - Co-ordinator for Intercultural Dialogue, Council of Europe;




12.30 – 14.30             Lunch



[1] Some of the speakers still have to be confirmed

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